Daylite Latest Builds 27/10/13

Latest Builds

Builds waiting for approval on App Store or betas.

We'd like to keep our release builds consistent with what is available on the Mac App Store, however, in some cases, we may have important fixes for customers who cannot wait for the approved build. We may also provide betas that have not been finalized or submitted for approval yet. These betas have been tested by our internal QA team, however bugs may still exist and caution should be applied.

For the latest build of Billings Pro and Billings Pro Server, click here

Daylite Server Admin 4.3.2 (Build 4942)


This build of Daylite Server is compatible with OS X Mavericks (and 10.7, 10.8) and addresses a connection issue from Daylite 4.3.2 on iOS 7 (iPhone or iPad). It is safe to use in a production environment but please remember to update to the final build of 4.3.2 when it is released.

Note: This is same build that is currently on the Mavericks compatibility page.

  • Fixed an issue where notes created on Daylite for iOS linked to forms would get removed from the device

Download Daylite Server 4.3.2 Build 4942

Daylite 4.3.2 (Build 5635)

  • Fixed an issue where Forms would fail to import through the Delimited Text Data Importer.
  • Fixed an issue where data in a date form field was not being imported.
  • Fixed an issue where the form name drop-down options in the delimited importer were not displayed correctly.

Download Daylite 4.3.2 Build 5635 and DMA 4.3.3 Build 1118 - Unified Installer

Daylite Mail Assistant 4.3.3 (Build 1118)

New Features/Enhancements
  • Added compatibility for OS X Mavericks GM
  • Fixed an issue that prevented emails from being linked/added in OS X 10.7.5 (Issue from RC2)

Download DMA 4.3.3 Build 1118

  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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