Create a .PHP file and add the below code , remembering to edit contents to suit your needs (email addresses etc) and if you wish to send an email event to Prowl for notication and prowl api email.
once tested it is safe to remove all lines which start with "//" if you wish.
Example:-- Stripe Webhook wiil send your stripe event to your strpe php address. "Stripe-File".php url ( )
:- Your stripe php below will redirect this to your desired email, basic, no major detail just a notification that something has occurred. If you send the email to one of your Prowl API addresses you will get instant notifications via prowl on your set devices.
This does nothing but send a notication that a visit has occured to this page. you will also get robots alerting you if this page is in a public directory.
// Retrieve the request and parse it prowl notifictation
// Do something code with php below
http_response_code(200); // PHP 5.4 or greater
// edit email address to send to =
// change subject matter and message as required
// change reply to and headers as you wish
// you may add as many recipients as to wish, just copy the whole script and duplicate it below the first script with whatever info you wish to provide in it.
You may do this as often and you wish, spamming as many as you wish,, NOTE:- Not avisable but yes for knowledge sake, this is how it works..
$to = '';$subject = 'Stripe\Event';
$message = 'Account Event';
$headers = 'From:' . "\r\n" .
'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);